Target Your Perfect Audience
+ Competitor Websites
for Higher ROI Marketing Campaigns

Target Your Perfect Audience
+ Competitor Websites
for Higher ROI Marketing

Target Your Perfect Audience
+ Competitor Websites
for Higher ROI Marketing Campaigns

Our Founders have worked at or collaborated with these notable brands.

MegaMail Partners

MegaMail Partners

MegaMail Partners

So How Does This Work?

We provide data sets of monthly visitors from ANY SITE ON THE INTERNET!

Market to your competitors' traffic and page 1 visitors of any Google keyword search with a 90+% custom audience match rate 🤯

We provide data sets of monthly visitors from ANY SITE ON THE INTERNET!

Market to your competitors' traffic and page 1 visitors of any Google keyword search with a 90+% custom audience match rate 🤯

We provide data sets of monthly visitors from ANY SITE ON THE INTERNET!

Market to your competitors' traffic and page 1 visitors of any Google keyword search with a 90+% custom audience match rate 🤯

Your prospects are searching the internet for answers to the problems you solve every single day. We put your offer in front of those people.

Check out this quick 3 min video to understand how this is even possible.

Check out this quick 3 min video to understand how this is even possible.

Check out this quick 3 min video to understand how this is even possible.

Hyper-Competitive Data Explainer Video
Hyper-Competitive Data
Explainer Video

Co-founder, RYE olson

Co-founder, RYE olson

Co-founder, RYE olson

If the power of this staggering competitive advantage clicks with you, simply book a time to meet about which websites you want to target.

Here's What We Can Do

MegaMail Enhance: Website Pixel
Website Pixel

MegaMail Enahnce:
Website Pixel

Get actionable, de-anonymized data from industry leading 90% - 95% of the people who visit any page you own even without them filling out any info.

Get actionable, de-anonymized data from industry leading 90% - 95% of the people who visit any page you own even without them filling out any info.

Immediately import that data into your paid media campaigns at a 90+% custom audience match rate (typically 10% - 15%).

Immediately import that data into your paid media campaigns at a 90+% custom audience match rate (typically 10% - 15%).

Set up email and direct mail campaigns that are triggered by visits to your website for a direct, omni-channel approach.

Set up email and direct mail campaigns that are triggered by visits to your website for a direct, omni-channel approach.

You will see IMMEDIATE results in your campaigns because you're showing 90+% of your ad budget to the exact right people.

You will see IMMEDIATE results in your campaigns because you're showing 90+% of your ad budget to the exact right people.

MegaMail Stitch: Competitor Website
Competitor Website

MegaMail Stitch:
Competitor Website

The same offering as MegaMail Enhance, but here you can target ANY website URL on the internet. Seriously.

The same offering as Website Pixel, but here you can target ANY website URL on the internet. Seriously.

The same offering as Website Pixel, but here you can target ANY website URL on the internet. Seriously.

We're talking traffic from competitor login pages, home pages, pricing pages, landing pages, service pages, top 10 company pages, any pages that show high intent…all now available to you 🤯

Wish you ranked #1 for every top Google keyword search in your industry? Now you can market to the visitors of ALL the page 1 results for any search term!

We can typically stitch together 20% - 30% of monthly visitors from any page on the internet that shows high intent for your offer.

You can finally stop fighting the Meta, Google, and other ad network algorithms and have a clear path towards capturing as much new market share as you can handle!

Why choose MegaMail?

Why choose MegaMail?

Why choose MegaMail?

Stop Wasting Ad Dollars

Stop Wasting
Ad Dollars

Precision Targeting

Reach the right people at the right time, every time. No more guesswork; just actionable insights and information.


Go from 10% - 15% of a custom audience seeing your ads to a 90% match rate.

Unmatched ROI

Precision targeting unlocks omni-channel marketing + achieves an extraordinary 1,268% average return on your campaigns.

URL Exclusivity Guarantee

URL Exclusivity Guarantee

We guarantee to NEVER resell the data we send you.

This ensures that you are the only one who gets to use this hyper-competitive advantage for only your business on the sites you want to target.

Competitive data creates access to huge chunks of market share and in the spirit of long-term partnership, any market share you gain with MegaMail is yours exclusively to keep.


National Auto Refinance Company

National Auto Refinance Company

National Auto Refinance Company

National Auto Refinance Company

A national auto refinance company asked us to put together an integrated marketing campaign to create a lift in their direct mail response rates. Results were measured with a standard test and control methodology.

A national auto refinance company asked us to put together an integrated marketing campaign to create a lift in their direct mail response rates. Results were measured with a standard test and control methodology.


Home Services Company

Home Services Company

A Home Services company tasked us with marketing to...

Their prospect list

Their own site visitors

Visitors to their competitor sites

At the end of 8 months, we ran a matchback analysis using transactional files to identify CPA, with an allowable CPA of $300.


Large Entertainment Venues

Large Entertainment Venues

A company who owns large entertainment venues asked us to sell 17,000 season tickets to their venues.

We partnered with Analytic Marketing Partners (AMP) to identify family who were the best prospects.

Emails and Social ads were then sent to those families.

At the end of the 8-week campaign, we ran a matchback analysis to determine sales.

Your Custom Audience Solution

Your Custom Audience Solution

You'll finally be able to:

  1. Prevent costly, wasted marketing spend

  2. Future-proof your targeting

  3. And IMMEDIATELY improve your current ad campaign metrics